China’s ‘ugliest buildings contest’ to identify country’s bizarre architecture

A peculiar poll has been launched in China with the aim of identifying and cataloging the most ‘unattractive’ buildings and architectural structures across the nation. Currently underway, the public poll has already spotlighted several entries, including a ‘violin-shaped church,’ an ‘upside-down house,’ and a hotel designed in the likeness of a ‘Russian doll.’

According to a CNN report, this initiative comes in response to a directive issued by the government of Xi Jinping, which calls for an end to the construction of “oversized, xenocentric, weird” structures in the country. Consequently, the Chinese architecture website has compiled a list of around 90 contenders for its 12th annual ‘Ugliest Building Survey.’

The nominated structures encompass a variety of buildings such as skyscrapers, museums, hotels, and sports facilities, characterized by their “unusual shapes” and “tactless ornamentation,” which have contributed to China’s reputation for unconventional architecture.

The ongoing public poll has garnered over 30,000 votes thus far, with the “five-arched gate at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou” leading the pack, followed closely by a glass bridge in Sichuan province suspended amidst statues of giant men and women in traditional attire.

Other notable entries on the shortlist include a museum resembling pots of instant noodles and a 1.5 km stretch of Shanghai towers connected by a single undulating roof.

According to CNN, voting will continue until December, after which a panel comprising architects, critics, and academics will assess the contenders based on nine criteria, including harmony with the surroundings and originality of design. The final selection of the top 10 ‘ugliest buildings’ will be announced at year-end, with public polling accounting for approximately 40 percent of the decision.

The Guardian reports that in April 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) prohibited the construction of “ugly buildings.” While Beijing’s top economic planning body urged local governments to prioritize structures that are “suitable, economical, green, and visually appealing,” it refrained from defining what constitutes ‘ugly’ architecture.